Working Visually For Social Impact

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Remote-smart organizations offer incredible benefits of flexibility, productivity and diverse employees from around the globe. However, working remotely can pose challenges for traditional in-person engagement and activities and requires creative approaches to foster collaboration. In this edition of Working Visually, we share how Throughliners use design and interactive visuals to foster a sense of togetherness in the realm of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Visualizing Throughline's CSR strategy and our core passions has been key to engaging employees and fostering understanding of our efforts throughout the year.

Harnessing Passion Through Visual Collaboration

An integral part of CSR begins with finding the intersection of social impact and employee passions. Not only does it maximize participation but focusing on employee values shapes the culture of your organization. To find out what Throughliners care about, we hosted a CSR Jam Session: a collaborative, visually-driven effort of employees to brainstorm and survey CSR initiatives, big and small. Using an intentionally designed Miro board, the CSR team gathered real-time inputs on Throughliner passions, key social issues and ongoing individual volunteer efforts to amplify. The ability to group and visualize the overarching topics in live sticky notes, vote across ideas to prioritize and build initial action plans for impact shifts CSR goals from a corporate strategy to an employee-driven vision.

Maintaining Engagement Through Gamification

Gamifying CSR events themselves using graphics and visuals is another unique way we spur involvement in a remote-smart environment. One of our major CSR initiatives, Memorial Miles, encourages Throughliners to log 15 minutes or 1 mile of activity per day during Military Appreciation Month. The game board for tracking this activity involves personalization, accountability and connection between participants across the globe. Customized emojis inject personality, resulting in a completed game board full of color and characters as well as uploaded photos of the diverse activities employees enjoy to complete their contribution. This visual approach is key in maintaining consistent involvement across the company and resulted in $5,500 raised for Stop Soldier Suicide.

Simple, interactive elements like the above are used to track involvement in our CSR efforts, creating accountability and whimsical competition to drive greater social impact.

Another CSR initiative, Get Trashed, focuses on environmental preservation. We use our “Where in the World is Throughline” map to visualize our reach and connect the Throughline community to pick up bags of trash in their own neighborhoods. Split into the Blue and Green teams, more photos and a fun competitive spirit entered the atmosphere, resulting in the donation of 370 trees to One Tree Planted.

Working Visually to Grow Social Impact

CSR events can be difficult to incentivize, and many companies often experience a drop-off in excitement and membership. By working visually, Throughline not only retains support, but experiences consistent growth in employee participation. We emphasize a focus on several smaller initiatives rather than a few big events a year, to enable a diversity of topics and allow Throughliners multiple chances to get involved throughout the year. A member of our CSR committee, Leanne Mahoy, phrased it best:

'Til next time,

The Throughline Team